Prevent JetLag

Use this site to reset your biological clock:

Choose the time of departure. Then choose the time of arrival and massage the shown points corresponding with those times. Massage (see below) the points for 2 minutes the evening before you leave, the morning you leave and after you’ve arrived at your destination. Your biological clock is set and problems are prevented!

Example 1:

Departure New York – local time 08:15
Arrival in Amsterdam – local time 22:15
Your trip lasts about 6 hours
To set the biological clock submit departuretime 07-09 and arrivaltime 21-23
Massage the shown points for 2 minutes each the evening and mornig before departure and after arrival at your destination. If your departure and arrival time change with more than 3 hours submit again for new points.

Example 2:

Departure Amsterdam – local time 11:55
Arrival in New York – local time 01:55
Your trip lasts about 6 hours
To set the biological clock submit departuretime 11-13 and arrivaltime 01-03
Massage the shown points for 2 minutes each the evening and mornig before departure and after arrival at your destination. If your departure and arrival time change with more than 3 hours submit again for new points.

If you’re not satisfied ask someone else to massage the points for you.

When massaging your own points, here’s another way: Put your forefinger on the point and rotate without rubbing over the skin. Turn 30 times clockwise and 30 times counterclockwise. Then do the same with the other points. Massage each point for 2 minutes.

Another way is to put your forefinger on the point (always with attention) and just hold it there. You will feel your finger being warm. When it feels warm it is okay. Just go on to the next point.

The effect after treating the points makes the body free for unobstructed flow of energy. In this way your biological clock will be reset. Also see jetlag & health for extra tips to prevent JetLag.

Also check and

I hope my advice has been helpful and feel free to leave a message about your experience with JetLag in the comments.

Yours sincerely,
Wim Voorbij